ALGEMEEN FORUM => Voorstellen => Topic gestart door: Phoenix op 28 September 2009, 14:29:04

Titel: Phoenix from FRANCE!
Bericht door: Phoenix op 28 September 2009, 14:29:04

mijn naam is Sebastian en ik woon in de buurt van Parijs in Frankrijk

Ik gebruik een vertaler op automatisch te schrijven, zo verdraagzaam ... Ik spreek geen Nederlands

maar we en français kunnen spreken;)

Ik kweek verschillende soorten Testudo, Terrapene maar ook enkele schildpadden en tropische als sulcata , radiata.

Overigens ben ik administrator Forum schildpadden in het Frans, heel bijzonder want het is een forum 100% tropische schildpadden.

Ik kan u de link als u wenst. Ik zou graag hebben fokkers in België en Nederland.

Kan ik mijn relatie?

In ieder geval, ik dank u voor de opvang van mij

Titel: Re: Phoenix from FRANCE!
Bericht door: Ekimus op 28 September 2009, 14:33:56
Maybe its easier to use english instead of a translater? Some phrases are abit awkward if you use a translater.  :D

Titel: Re: Phoenix from FRANCE!
Bericht door: markooij op 28 September 2009, 14:52:40
Welcome here !!!!
What is the link to your forum?
Do you have any pictures to show of your tortoises?

Titel: Re: Phoenix from FRANCE!
Bericht door: Phoenix op 28 September 2009, 14:55:50
OK, it's fine

I will post my photos in the dedicated section

My forum is:

We can exchange links if you want.

Titel: Re: Phoenix from FRANCE!
Bericht door: Phoenix op 28 September 2009, 15:04:42
I just put some pics of my radiatas, and from my marginated babies

I hope you will like it

furthermore, I wanted to know if there is some Pyxis breeders around here. I am also interested in Geochelone platynota breeders, to know more about the care of that specie. I hope this is easier for you to find that kind of tortoise... because in France, this is insanely difficult


Titel: Re: Phoenix from FRANCE!
Bericht door: D-magic op 28 September 2009, 15:08:30
Welcom Phoenix.

It's always nice/good to have people over here from other countries.

The radiata's and Terrapene are great tortoises  szaqw

I'm also looking forward to some pics.

Titel: Re: Phoenix from FRANCE!
Bericht door: markooij op 28 September 2009, 15:37:14

furthermore, I wanted to know if there is some Pyxis breeders around here. I am also interested in Geochelone platynota breeders, to know more about the care of that specie. I hope this is easier for you to find that kind of tortoise... because in France, this is insanely difficult

Here to. Ever heart of the ESF? You can try to contact the studbookskeeper for affaileble animals.

Titel: Re: Phoenix from FRANCE!
Bericht door: Phoenix op 28 September 2009, 15:54:07
I already did, actually


but it is still hard to find.

Titel: Re: Phoenix from FRANCE!
Bericht door: markooij op 28 September 2009, 16:49:49
Did you ask to put your name on a waiting list for the animals?
Which sub pieces do you wish of the Pyxis?

Titel: Re: Phoenix from FRANCE!
Bericht door: Hansm op 28 September 2009, 16:57:06
Welcome Sebastiaan, saz

Nice to see you here, I am very curious wich specie you have from the Terrapene, dat is my own favorite specie.

Injoy your time here, and I sure look at your site too cfdgbv

Titel: Re: Phoenix from FRANCE!
Bericht door: Phoenix op 28 September 2009, 17:02:48
I am particularly interested in P.a.arachnoides and P. a. brygoii

Otherwise, I only breed Terrapene carolina carolina which is my favorite subspecie (Love yellowish species) I have 3 juveniles from a
German breeder

Titel: Re: Phoenix from FRANCE!
Bericht door: markooij op 28 September 2009, 17:17:07
I am particularly interested in P.a.arachnoides and P. a. brygoii

Why those two?

Titel: Re: Phoenix from FRANCE!
Bericht door: fred gaal op 28 September 2009, 17:39:29
Hi and Welcome here.
Interesting tortoises you keep.
You talk about the platynota, do you allready keep them, here there are hardly breeder from those and are hard to find.

Titel: Re: Phoenix from FRANCE!
Bericht door: Hansm op 28 September 2009, 18:38:51
I am particularly interested in P.a.arachnoides and P. a. brygoii

Otherwise, I only breed Terrapene carolina carolina which is my favorite subspecie (Love yellowish species) I have 3 juveniles from a
German breeder

Also from this animals I like seeing picture's if you have offcours ;)

Titel: Re: Phoenix from FRANCE!
Bericht door: elke op 28 September 2009, 18:44:25
Bonjour et bienvenu sur le forum de schildpaddennet !

Vous avez quel sortes de tortues ? Et vous avez aussi des autres sortes de reptiles comme serpents ?

Titel: Re: Phoenix from FRANCE!
Bericht door: D-magic op 28 September 2009, 18:52:58
Nice forum by the way, too sad that i can't read or speak french  qsergh

Titel: Re: Phoenix from FRANCE!
Bericht door: Phoenix op 28 September 2009, 22:56:10
Pyxis aa and Pab because they are the easier to find (oblonga is very rare), and I prefer those two subspecies, esthetically.

I do not breed G. platynota, but I would like. Maybe later...  I saw some specimen in The prices are insane!

DMagic, you can post in English in the Forum... No problem. we have Belgian and German member who speak in English

Or you can use google Trad (to post in French) as I do when I opened this thread...  (dgre)

OK OK The translation can be bizarre...  cxwxsdq((( cxwxsdq((( cxwxsdq(((But that's enough to have a discussion

By the way, we LOVE photos...

Titel: Re: Phoenix from FRANCE!
Bericht door: D-magic op 29 September 2009, 08:28:12

DMagic, you can post in English in the Forum... No problem. we have Belgian and German member who speak in English

By the way, we LOVE photos...

Ok, i will take a look and maybe sign me in.

Be carefull what your saying with the pictures, i have really a lot of them of my elegans, elongata and boettgerie  qsergh xwcds

Titel: Re: Phoenix from FRANCE!
Bericht door: Phoenix op 29 September 2009, 10:14:34
Wonderful! that's exactly what we need because there are few people who breed these species in my forum

We mainly have sulcata, pardalis, radiata and a few Dipsochelys dussumieri

Elegans are said to be problematic in captivity. People I know who  once breed that specie report unusual sudden death. As well as many respiratory diseases. that's so sad. Maybe you're luckier than them. I noticed that there are a huge number of people in Belgium who breed elegans.

Sri Lankan star tortoise have amazing colors! I just bought a book in the US about care of star tortoises (Jerry D. Fife) That's very interesting

Elongated ones are also very interesting species. However males are so aggressive with females when mating... arf