INFO/LITERATUUR/BOEKEN/ARTIKELS => TURTLENEWS => Topic gestart door: schildpaddennetcrew op 29 Juni 2008, 15:14:44

Titel: MUMBAI MIRROR ; 260-yr-old giant tortoise falls ill - The lower abdomen of Adv..
Bericht door: schildpaddennetcrew op 29 Juni 2008, 15:14:44
MUMBAI MIRROR (India) 20 January 06 260-yr-old giant tortoise falls ill - The lower abdomen of Advaita, the oldest resident of Kolkata, is damaged and he is bleeding; docs say it could be due to old age (Rakhi Chakrabarty)
Photo at URL below
Kolkata: Authorities in Alipore Zoological Gardens in Kolkata are worried because Advaita, a 260-year-old giant tortoise, is unwell. Advaita is the city’s oldest resident.
His lower abdomen, or plastron, has been damaged and he is bleeding. What is worse, the wound has got infected.
It is likely that the infection was caused by rodent bites on the wound.
According to Dr Murthy, a zoologist with the Zoological Survey of India, plastron damage could be a result of old age.
"The wound had to be sterilised. Then, an acrylic paste was applied on it," he said adding it will take time to heal.
Meanwhile, Advaita is refusing to eat. He has not had a morsel for days now. Even otherwise, he loses his appetite during in winter and has to be force fed.
Advaita has been in the Kolkata zoo ever since it opened its doors in 1875. But he was christened only last year.
The tortoise is of the giant Aldabra-Seychelles variety and is found in the Indian Ocean, said Alipore zoo director Subir Choudhury.
"It is a heritage animal, probably the only surviving member of the species," said Dr Murthy. In the last 130 years, Advaita had fallen ill only once, about eight years ago, when he caught an infection in his foot. But he had recovered and continues to be a major draw at the zoo.
His current ailment is causing grave concern among scientists, animal lovers and citizen alike. With get-well wishes pouring in, zoo employees hope the 'old man' will recover soon.