ALGEMEEN FORUM => Wil je gewoon iets kwijt => Topic gestart door: Norma op 30 Januari 2013, 01:12:36

Titel: It's turtles all the way down...
Bericht door: Norma op 30 Januari 2013, 01:12:36

Forumbeheerder Kurt Lippens heeft een mooi avatar gekozen:


Bij deze afbeelding van de aarde op de rug van een schildpad hoort het volgende verhaal, in de originele Engelse versie:


Travelling in Bali, a cultural anthropologist encountered a mahout bathing his elephant in a slow-flowing river.
Engaging the fellow, the anthropologist ("A'ist") pursues his academic quest to discover how the regular people understand their religion, and so inquires of the chap his cosmological views.

"My good fellow, this earth of ours? Where we now stand? Do you know how it stands in the vacuum of the stars?" he asks.
The mahout without pausing in his labors replies, "Why sahib, every child knows that the earth is borne on the back of an enormous, celestial Elephant."

The A'ist persists: "Yes, that is true. But, but then, where does the Elephant stand?"
And the mahout replies: "Sahib, all men know: the Elephant stands on the back of a gigantic Buffalo. Do they not?"

And the A'ist replies, "Oh assuredly. But then, the Buffalo? Where does it stand?"
To which the mahout politely replies, "Why, sahib, the wise ones teach us, the Buffalo stands on the back of a Turtle."

"Ah, yes," the A'ist replies. "But the Turtle???"
Says the mahout: "Ah, Sahib! You know how it is? After that, it's turtles all the way down..."


Titel: Re: It's turtles all the way down...
Bericht door: kurtlippens op 12 Februari 2013, 21:12:18
Leuk, wist ik niet  szaqw